
Preschool to High School

Children are some of God’s greatest blessings in this life and we desire to see the hearts of children won by the Gospel of Christ. To that end, we seek to equip parents for the process of raising up the next generation of kingdom ambassadors. Our Covenant Kids and Covenant Students ministries provide age-appropriate fun environments for teaching and discipleship. We would love to have your family join our Covenant Family as we see God work in the hearts of our children and students.

Family discipleship

God calls the family to play a vital role in discipling the next generation. How this is accomplished varies from family to family and is as unique as the DNA of each home. Family discipleship isn’t one-size-fits-all, and it isn’t easy—even the most intentional of Christian parents may find themselves at a loss as to how to begin. We want to come alongside parents to help them craft their own approach to family discipleship. Though each family is unique, we believe that vibrant family discipleship can take shape through family worship and a framework of time, moments and milestones.

Family Worship

We encourage families to worship together during our weekend services. This is especially true for middle school and high school students, as we hope to integrate them into the life of the church where they can live out our mission with their parents and other adults.

As a way to come alongside parents and help them live out their call to make disciples of their children, we’ve created a Family Worship Field Guide for family discipleship.


Birth - 5th Grade

In Covenant Kids we believe that while God has called parents to be the primary disciple-makers of their children, He has also called us as a church community to come alongside parents to share God’s works, ways, and his character with the next generation.

Covenant Kids is designed to supplement, not substitute parental discipleship. The goal of our Sunday Ministry experience is to reinforce parental efforts for children to know God, to understand the Gospel, and to love and follow Jesus. 

Sundays at 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
During Sunday morning services


6th - 12th Grade

We aim to lead and challenge middle and high school students toward greater faith in Christ through relational discipleship.  We want to equip parents and volunteers for the process of raising up the next generation of kingdom ambassadors and to see those ambassadors flourish in their faith as they journey toward adulthood.

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