Our Ministries

Birth - 5th Grade
Covenant Kids is an intentionally-designed time of discipleship and friendship for all kids.
Every Sunday your children will hear the Gospel as we open and study God’s Word together, learn catechisms, and worship together. Exciting activities are designed to help your children know God, to understand the scriptures studied, and to love and follow Jesus.
Do you have a child with special needs? We would love to partner with you in ministering to your child. Please contact Cara Sauer for more information.
Gatherings at Armour Campus
Sundays at 9:00 AM, 11 AM & 5PM

6 - 12th Grade
We aim to lead and challenge middle and high school students toward greater faith in Christ through relational discipleship. We want to equip parents and volunteers for the process of raising up the next generation of kingdom ambassadors and to see those ambassadors flourish in their faith as they journey toward adulthood.
Sundays from 5:00 - 7:00 PM
228 Ottley Dr. Atlanta, GA 30324

Our growing college ministry seeks to help college students from around the city follow Jesus. We gather weekly for breakfast, community, and college-specific discipleship. Our current Sunday series is Questioning Faith: Common Questions from a Skeptical Student.
Sundays at 9:30AM
228 Ottley Dr. NE
On-Campus Ministries
Georgia Tech Bible Studies
Mondays at 7:30PM
Georgia State Bible Studies
Wednesdays at 7:30PM
Oglethorpe University
Wednesdays at 7:30PM
Tuesdays at 7:00PM

Young Adults
20’s & 30’s
Join young adults from across the city for a midweek worship and teaching gathering. Our hope is to encourage you in your relationship with Jesus through biblical teaching, worship, and community. In addition to our weekly gatherings, we encourage our young adults to participate in small groups. Several groups meet an hour prior to the large Tuesday gathering, and others meet different days throughout the week. Please reach out to Cait James (cait@christcovenant.com) to get plugged into a Young Adults group.
Gatherings Every Tuesday
6:45 PM Dinner ($8)
7:30 PM Worship and Teaching
The Armour Collective, 221 Armour Dr. NE

Connect with other women to grow in head and heart knowledge of the Lord.
Groups – Bible studies to grow in the knowledge of the Lord ➝
Women’s Gospel Fellowship – Facilitated weekly bible study in large-group format ➝
The Lydian – Discussions on theology and culture
Ladies Gatherings – Events for building relationships

A place for men to find discipleship in community and become kingdom men on a mission.
Groups – Bible studies to grow in the knowledge of the Lord
Spotted Cow – Discussions on theology and culture

We value art and creativity as a gift from the Lord, to be used for his glory and our edification. We want to encourage Christians to cultivate and use their artistic gifts to glorify God and showcase a thoughtful theology of beauty. We seek to provide training, connection, encouragement, and opportunities to exhibit people’s creative talents.

Faith & Work
To represent Christ as Kingdom Ambassadors in our workplaces and communities
This includes fulfilling the cultural mandate found in Genesis 1:28, flourishing in our purpose-led vocations where we spend 50% of our time, while growing our professional network through Christ-centered leadership influence and skillfully bearing fruit through ministry in the workplace.