March 7–9
Kick-Off Night
Homecoming with Our Partners
6pm – 8pm
Partner Breakouts
5:30pm – 6:45pm
Paris Documentary Screening
7pm – 9pm
Think Through It Live
"Gospel Contextualization" with Billy Bean and Partners
6:30pm – 8pm
Our Partners
Sanchez Family
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
The city of Santo Domingo is a dynamic, diverse city in the island nation of the Dominican Republic. Manuel and Jenna Sanchez were a part of planting Grace City Church in January of 2022 with the aim of reaching this fast-growing city with the gospel. The Lord is strengthening this young church daily as they make disciples and mobilize leaders to further the Kingdom throughout their city. Pray for the gospel to continue advancing in Santo Domingo and to every corner of the Dominican Republic.
Koffman Family
Paris, France
There is a huge need for gospel-centered churches in the culturally rich, diverse, global city of Paris, France. Bryan and Carly Koffman are church planters with Eglise Saint Lazare in Paris, alongside lead planter Etienne Koning. Bryan is training to be sent out to another district in Paris where no evangelical church exists. The Koffmans love their city and the many unreached people around the world who come to Paris. Pray for gospel advance in Paris.
West Family
Kobe, Japan
Many Japanese do not yet know the good news of Jesus Christ. The Mustard Seed Network desires to see the cities of Japan saturated with the gospel and impacted by gospel-centered churches. Kevin and Nozomi West planted Mustard Seed Kobe in December 2015. The Wests will be planting a new church at the beginning of 2025 in Saitama, Japan. Pray for gospel advance in Kobe and throughout Japan.
Chris Wong
Paris, France
Chris Wong was sent out from Christ Covenant in 2023 to serve in Paris on a church planting team alongside some of our other Reach the World partners.
Helms Family
Paris, France
There is a huge need for gospel-centered churches in the culturally rich, diverse, global city of Paris, France. Paul and Abby Helms are church planters of Emmanuel International Church (EIC) Ternes. They strive to love their city and the world, bringing the light of the gospel to the city of lights. Pray for gospel advance in Paris.
Yannick Christos-Wahab
London, U.K.
Yannick Christos-Wahab is a pastor born and raised on the east side of London, studied in Edinburgh and then came to the US for his seminary studies at Beeson. He is now in South London pastoring a historical church, Stockwell Baptist Church, in the diverse Little Portugal area of London. He is a faithful preacher and pastor and has a heart to reach South London. He is married to Kiitan, and they have two beautiful girls.
Karr Family
Rome, Italy
Breccia Di Roma-Prati is a church that was planted near the Vatican out of its mother church, The Evangelical Church Breccia Di Roma located in the heart of Rome. Reid Karr, an IMB missionary, is the lead pastor. He is actively training leaders, helping lead the Reformanda Initiative, and engaging the culture in Rome with the Gospel. He is married to Steppie and they have four kids.
Gospel City Network
Gospel City Network is a church planting network in Malaysia that encourages, equips, and enhances church planting so that it becomes normative for churches to reproduce consistently. They are partnered with Redeemer City to City, a global network focused on starting gospel-centered churches in global cities around the world. From this partnership, we hope to help encourage a future church plant in Kuala Lumpur that is expected to launch in late 2024. This network also started a publishing house (Greenhouse Publishing) that will work to translate some Crossway Published books into the 3 major languages spoken in Malaysia. We hope to partner with them on some of their future translation projects.
Serenissima Ministries
Rob Krause is a church planter with Acts 29 Italy who has started churches across northern Italy. He has started his own network (Serenissima Ministries) which is now planting churches across Europe. Our desire is to encourage Serenissima Ministries through a variety of short-term and long-term investments.
Help the Persecuted
Help the Persecuted is a ministry that ministers to Christians across the Muslim world in a context of persecution. We partner with them to encourage churches and christians who are suffering from hardships of various kinds: food insecurity, disaster zones, and places hostile to Christianity. Josh Youssef, President & CEO of Help the Persecuted, serves as one of our pastors at Christ Covenant.
Partner Breakouts
Paris I: Philip Moore, Chris Wong, “The 5th District of Paris: Influence and Gospel Need”
Paris II: Bryan Koffman, “Reaching the Francophone World from Paris”
Tokyo: Kevin & Nazomi West, “Church Planting in the World’s Largest Metro”
Kuala Lumpur: Massimo Gei, Tim Huang, “Reaching Everyone in a Multiethnic, Pluralistic Society”
Italy: Reid Karr, Rob & Sandy Krause, “Missions in a Roman Catholic World”
Istanbul: Scott & Cyndi Logsdon, “Christ at the Crossroads of the World”
London: Yannick Christos-Wahab, “Reaching the Nations from London”
Santo Domingo: Manuel Sanchez, “Gospel Trends in Latin America”
Cities: Michael Crane, “The New Frontier of the Gospel”
All Breakouts are on Saturday, March 8th
5:30pm – 6:45pm